
František Baluška
"Plant Root Navigation – Transition Zone Energides in Driver Seats"

Viktor Zarsky
"Plant Secretory Pathways Regulation by Light and Biotic Interactions"

Joachim Fisahn
"From Sachs to Einstein: When Plant Physiology meets General Relativity.
Lunisolar tidal force a unique timer in plant physiology. "

Peter Barlow
"Secondary Vascular Tissue of Trees: Where do all the cells come from?"

Rainer Hedrich
"Roots of Carnivory - Hunting Cycle of Plant on Animal Diet"

Stanislav Kopriva
"Plant Sulfur Nutrition: From Sachs to Big Data"

Ken Yokawa & Frantisek Baluska
"Revisiting the Tanada Effect: Rapid Light Responses of Roots"

Ulrich Kutschera, University of Kassel, Germany/Stanford (USA)
"Basic versus Applied Research: Julius Sachs (1832-1897) and the Experimental Physiology of Plants"

Jozef Šamaj
"MAPK Signalling in Plant Development"

Vaidurya Pratap Sahi
"Expression of MKRN gene during Plant Embryogenesis"

Hans Georg Edelmann
"Symptoms of the Volatile Nature of Auxin-regulated Root Growth Models"

Stefano Mancuso
"From Plant to Robot - the Sach's Legacy in Plant Biomimetic"

Dieter Volkmann
"Julius Sachs Botany School: Centre of Excellence in Plant Biology (1850 – 1900) in Central Europe"

Heiner Goldbach
"From the Sachs' Auxanometer to Modern Plant Phenotyping: Examples from the CROP.SENSe.net Project"

Wolfgang Alt
"Julius Sachs und der Bonner Campus Poppelsdorf "